National Weatherperson's Day

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2025 DateFebruary 5, 2025
2026 DateFebruary 5, 2026

National Weatherperson's Day

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National Weatherperson's Day History

National Weatherperson's Day seeks to honor individuals in the fields of meteorology, weather forecasting, and broadcast meteorology, as well as volunteer storm spotters and observers. Its primary purpose is to acknowledge their contributions to society, which help us navigate the intricate mazes of weather patterns and atmospheric changes while ensuring public safety during weather disturbances.

The special day, also known as Weatherman's Day, was first celebrated in the 1960s. Its date commemorates the birth of Dr. John Jeffries on February 5, 1745, one of America’s first weather observers. Dr. Jeffries pioneered the field of weather observation and began to take daily weather measurements in 1774 in Boston, laying the foundation for the contemporary science of meteorology.

National Weatherperson's Day takes place annually on February 5th.

Facts about National Weatherperson's Day

  • Meteorologists are responsible for tracking weather and making predictions about the forecast. The study of meteorology and the weather dates back thousands of years. Significant progress wasn't made however until the 18th, 19th, and finally the 20th century. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, modern day meteorologists make use of up to six types of tools:
    1) Doppler Radar - Allows meteorologists to observe severe storms
    2) Satellite Data -Weather satellites obtain observational data
    3) Radiosondes - Instruments attached to balloons that helps collects data about air pressure, temperature, and wind speed
    4) Automated surface-observing systems - Monitor weather conditions on the Earth's surface
    5) Supercomputers - Processes calculations to help predict forecasts
    6) Advanced Weather Information Processing System - Combines the data recorded from all previous tools and issues forecasts or warnings
  • John Jeffries is considered the father of American meteorology. He started making observations about the weather in 1744, while living in Boston, Massachusetts.
  • The National Weather Service makes it their mission to provide weather, water, and climate data, forecasts and warnings for the protection of life and property and enhancement of the national economy.
  • According to Zippia, in 2022, the median salary for weather forecasters in the United States is $56,441 per year.

Top things to do for National Weatherperson's Day

  • Check your local weather forecast. Your local weathercasters work alongside a dedicated team to provide you with the most accurate forecasts.
  • Try tracking the weather! Today, forecasters have satellites, doppler radars, and other technological tools that help them monitor and record the weather. See what it was like without smart technology and try tracking the weather with old fashioned tools and tricks.
  • Watch a film or series about the weather and how meteorologists track and monitor it. Here are our suggestions:
    Storm Chasers (2007)
    The Weather Man (2005)
    Twister (1996)

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