Manufacturing Day

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Manufacturing Day Quick Facts

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Manufacturing (MFG) Day

Manufacturing (MFG) Day in

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Manufacturing (MFG) Day History

Manufacturing (MFG) Day celebrates the significant contributions of the manufacturing sector to the economy. The occasion aims to inspire the next generation of manufacturers by showcasing the potential of modern manufacturing careers and reinforcing the value of manufacturing skills sets in today’s economy.

Founded in 2012 by the Fabricators and Manufacturers Association, International, MFG Day has since gained the support of many manufacturing organizations and educational institutions willing to offer industry tours, workshops, and interactive programs. MFG Day has become a nationwide day of action, where manufacturers open their doors to students, parents, teachers, and community leaders, enabling them to gain a deeper understanding of the industry’s importance and prospective job opportunities. The Manufacturing Day officially occurs on the first Friday in October but events and activities related to it can occur anytime throughout the month.

Facts about Manufacturing

  • Manufacturers contributed $2.36 trillion worth of gross output to the U.S economy in 2019.
  • There are more than 12 million workers in the U.S manufacturing sector as of 2019.
  • It's estimated that roughly 90% of all goods manufactured globally are transported by ocean.
  • The Manufacturing Institute, in association with Deloitte, has reported that the United States will need to fill about 4.6 million manufacturing jobs by 2028.

Top things to do for Manufacturing

  • Explore the basics of manufacturing by watching educational videos or reading articles about different manufacturing techniques and processes.
  • Purchase products made locally or in America. Look for labels that indicate a product is made in the USA or explore local artisans and makers who produce goods in your area.
  • Engage in do-it-yourself (DIY) projects that involve manufacturing. This could include building something using raw materials, assembling a kit, or even creating art using manufacturing techniques like 3D printing or laser cutting.

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