World Parkinson's Day

World Parkinson's Day Quick Facts in the UK

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World Parkinson's Day

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World Parkinson's Day History

World Parkinson's Day is dedicated to raising awareness about Parkinson's disease, a neurodegenerative disorder that currently impacts more than 10 million people worldwide. The day emphasises the urgent need for more research and greater understanding to improve the quality of life for individuals living with the disease and to ultimately find a cure. The occasion also pays homage to the contribution of healthcare professionals and caregivers who play an essential role in managing the disease.

The history of World Parkinson's Day dates back to 1997 when it was launched by the European Parkinson's Disease Association. For residents in the United Kingdom, the day holds significant relevance. According to Parkinson's UK, about 145,000 people were diagnosed with Parkinson's in the UK in 2018, and this number is predicted to rise by a fifth by 2025. With these figures in mind, World Parkinson's Day is critically important in the UK for encouraging public opinion, policymakers, and the medical community to dedicate resources to fight the disease.

World Parkinson's Day is observed through various activities designed to raise awareness and funds for research into the disease's cause and treatment. Charity runs, public lectures, and informational sessions are often conducted to educate people about the disease's signs, symptoms, and impact. Public figures and celebrities in the UK also contribute to the cause by sharing messages and participating in campaigns. World Parkinson's Day is commemorated annually on April 11th, marking the birthday of Dr. James Parkinson, the British doctor who first identified the disease in 1817 as 'shaking palsy' and closely linked to the UK's medical heritage.

Facts about World Parkinson's Day

  • The theme for World Parkinson's Day in 2025 will be A community finding their light, in 2024 it was #ABCsofPD, and in 2023 itwas #Take6forPD.
  • According to the about 1 million of people in the U.S. live with Parkinson's disease, and over 10 million people worldwide.
    This number is expected to rise to 1.2 million by 2023 in the U.S.
  • In the UK, around 145,000 people (more than one in 500) are currently living with Parkinson's. This makes World Parkinson's Day extremely relevant and important for raising awareness within the UK population.
  • A research by Parkinson's UK found that those living with the disease and their carers face an extra £1,200 a year in social care and other charges, added to their normal living costs.

Top things to do in the UK for World Parkinson's Day

  • Join a local charity walk or run: Many UK neighborhoods and communities organize charity runs or walks to raise funds for Parkinson's research. Examples of such events are the Parkinson's UK Local Groups' walks.
  • Read a book to learn more about Parkinson's:
    Parkinson's Disease: A Complete Guide for Patients and Families - by William J. Weiner, Lisa M. Shulman, and Anthony E. Lang
    Brain Storms: The Race to Unlock the Mysteries of Parkinson's Disease - by Jon Palfreman

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