Earth Hour

Earth Hour Quick Facts in Australia

HashtagsCompiled on#BiggestHourForEarth, #EarthHour2025, #EarthHour
Related Hashtags#PABLO, #SB19_PABLO
2025 Date29 March 2025

Earth Hour Day

Earth Hour Day in

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Earth Hour History

Earth Hour Day aims to promote awareness about climate change and the urgent need to safeguard our planet. The key message conveyed on this day is the integral role each individual plays in the fight against climate change. This observance encourages people to switch off their lights for one hour, hence symbolizing commitment to the planet. Earth Hour provides a platform for people worldwide to take part in a cause that transcends geographical boundaries, inspiring millions to take significant action that goes beyond the hour.

Earth Hour Day was initiated by World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) in Sydney, Australia, in 2007. The movement quickly spread across the globe, with the attraction of major landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower and Empire State Building switching off their lights. In America, Earth Hour has been embraced as an opportunity to underscore the nation's commitment to mitigating climate change. American corporations, celebrities, citizens, and even the government have taken part in the observance, illuminating the gravity of the issue and the collective effort required to address it.

In America, Earth Hour Day is observed by switching off non-essential lights at homes, offices, and public spaces for an hour. This simple act is a powerful demonstration of a shared commitment towards a sustainable future. Beyond this symbolic gesture, Earth Day is also marked by various community events, educational programs, and campaigns aiming at promoting energy conservation and sustainable living. Earth Hour Day occurs every year on the last Saturday in March, aligning with the vernal equinox to ensure most cities are in darkness as it rolls out around the Earth.

Facts about Earth Hour

  • The theme for Earth Hour Day in 2025 will be Create the Biggest Hour for Earth, in 2024 it was #BiggestHourForEarth, and in 2023 the theme was Invest in Our Planet.

  • Earth Hour Day in 2025 will be held Saturday, March 22rd, from 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM local time.
  • The wealth of the nation is its air, water, soil, forests, minerals, rivers, lakes, oceans, scenic beauty, wildlife habitats and biodiversity… that’s all there is. That’s the whole economy. That’s where all the economic activity and jobs come from. These biological systems are the sustaining wealth of the world - Bill Vaughan

Top things to do in Australia for Earth Hour

  • Gather your friends for a candlelight workout and burn some calories along with those candles. In your down time, think on ways you can bring your commitment to climate action beyond Earth Hour.
  • Hundreds of the world’s most iconic landmarks, from the Empire State Building, to the Eiffel Tower and the Sydney Opera House participate in Earth Hour. This year, take a walk around your town or city and try to see which buildings switched off their lights for the planet.

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