National Nutrition Week


National Nutrition Week Quick Facts

2024 Date14 October 2024

National Nutrition Week

National Nutrition Week in 2024

National Nutrition Week History

National Nutrition Week seeks to raise awareness about the importance of a balanced diet and good nutrition for overall health and well-being. This observance aims to encourage individuals, families, schools, and communities to make healthier food choices and adopt a more nutritious lifestyle. Aspects of the observance include educating the public about the benefits of a healthy diet, promoting the consumption of a variety of nutrient-dense foods, and supporting initiatives that aim to improve access to nutritious food for all.

The idea of National Nutrition Week traces back to the Diet and Health Campaign Week, initiated by the Australian Nutrition Foundation in the 1980s. The week focuses on addressing the country's malnutrition challenges, including increasing rates of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and micronutrient deficiencies. The week provides an opportunity for government agencies, health professionals, and non-governmental organisations to work collectively in promoting healthy eating habits and raising awareness about the impact of food choices on overall health.

Throughout National Nutrition Week, various activities and events take place across Australia, all aiming to educate the public about nutrition, health, and well-being. Schools and community organisations host cooking demonstrations, workshops, and seminars, whilst health professionals provide advice on managing or preventing diet-related health conditions. Nutrition-focused campaigns are also launched both online and offline to further engage individuals in the conversation about food choices. National Nutrition Week is generally observed in October, and 2021 marked its 30th anniversary.

Top facts about National Nutrition Week

  • The theme for National Nutrition Week in 2022 was Get the most out of your veg.
  • In 2022, about 50% of older Australians are at a high risk of malnutrition or are malnourished.
  • According to Mindbody, in 2022, the healthiest cities in Australia were:
    1) Sydney, NSW
    2) Melbourne, VIC
    3) Brisbane, QLD
    4) Perth, WA
    5) Adelaide, SA
  • Hydration is a crucial part of nutrition. Water helps regulate body temperature, lubricate the joints, and transport nutrients throughout the body.

Top things to do for National Nutrition Week

  • Read Eat Right for Your Life: The Essential Guide to Personalised Nutrition and Health by Lisa Middlecamp-Lowder.
  • Visiting local farmers' markets offers an opportunity to buy fresh, seasonal produce and learn about healthy eating from local farmers.
  • Stay hydrated and celebrate National Nutrition Week by infusing water with your favorite fruits, such as berries, citrus, or melon. Allow the fruit to mix with the water for a few hours in the refrigerator, then enjoy a refreshing and sugar-free alternative to soft drinks.

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