Easter Saturday

Easter Saturday Quick Facts in Australia

HashtagsCompiled on#EasterSaturday, #Easter, #Easter2025
2025 Date19 April 2025
2026 Date4 April 2026

Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday in 2025

Easter Saturday History

Holy Saturday marks the day Jesus Christ's body lay in the tomb after his crucifixion on Good Friday. As part of the Holy Week leading up to Easter Sunday, it serves as an opportunity for Christians to reflect on the suffering and sacrifice Jesus endured. Churches participate in various solemn rituals, commemorating the quiet and still nature of this day, creating an atmosphere for contemplation and prayer.

In Australia, the Catholic communities have observed Holy Saturday for many years, with the traditions mainly influenced by European settlers. The Irish, English, and other European immigrants brought their customs, which became blended with local practices. Key among the observances are the lighting of the Paschal candle and the Easter Vigil Mass. The Paschal candle symbolises Jesus as the Light of the World, while the vigil honours his resurrection.

Australian Christians partake in these customs and attend both daytime and evening services at local churches. The Easter Vigil Mass is held after nightfall, as it marks the transition from darkness to light with Christ's resurrection. Also, some communities hold a special blessing of the waters ceremony, which is an Australian adaptation of the European custom. The date of Holy Saturday is not fixed but varies according to the lunar calendar. It typically occurs between 21 March and 24 April, falling on the day before Easter Sunday in the Australian autumn.

Top facts about Easter Saturday

  • Easter celebrations are linked to the lunar calendar. We now celebrate Easter on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox (March 21).
  • Easter Saturday is the final day of Holy week, which includes Good Friday and Maundy Thursday. It is also the final day of Lenten fasting.
  • Churches that celebrate Easter Saturday (not all of them do), usually celebrate it as a day of sombre reflection, contemplating the world of darkness that would've existed had Jesus not risen.
  • The Bible only refers to Easter Saturday once in Matthew 27:62-66.
  • Why do you seek the living one among the dead? He is not here, but he has been raised. - Luke 24:25

Top things to do for Easter Saturday in Australia

  • Take a moment and reflect upon what Jesus' resurrection means to you and to the world as a whole. More than one billion people on the planet believe in his resurrection, without it, Christianity would not be a dominant religion today.
  • Light a Paschal candle. These white candles are symbols of Jesus' presence and his guidance out of the dark.
  • Begin to prepare tomorrow's meal. Easter Saturday is the last day of Lenten Fasting and tomorrow, Easter Sunday, marks the day of the great Easter feast. Spend Saturday cutting up the veggies, marinating the meats and preparing the pie dough.
  • Spread awareness for the day on social media using hashtags #EasterSaturday, #EasterEve, #HolySaturday and #WhatIfHeHadntRisen.
  • Watch a movie about Easter to understand more about Christ's resurrection. Our favourites include: Risen (2016), Passion of the Christ (2004), Amazing Grace (2007) and The Gospel of John (2003).

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