World Cancer Day

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World Cancer Day

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World Cancer Day History

World Cancer Day is dedicated to creating widespread awareness about cancer, its causes, detection, treatment, and preventive measures. This initiative primarily emphasizes the significance of early detection through regular screenings, health education, and lifestyle changes. It encourages a cooperative effort to combat cancer through strategic goals, involving individuals, communities, governments, and healthcare professionals. World Cancer Day also seeks to lessen worldwide suffering by debunking myths and misconceptions about cancer, thus increasing the knowledge base for the general populace.

World Cancer Day was first observed in the year 2000. For South Africans, this day holds particular significance as South Africa has a high incidence of cancer compared to other African countries. Prostate, breast, and cervical cancers are among the most prevalent in South Africa. The observance helps to bring awareness and resources for prevention and early detection. Moreover, World Cancer Day galvanizes action across South Africa's community and promotes conversations about cancer, ultimately leading to better understanding and reduction of fear and stigmatization regarding the disease.

In South Africa, World Cancer Day is observed through various avenues, including social media campaigns, fundraisers, public lectures, free screenings, and awareness drives at community centres and healthcare facilities. The South African Ministry of Health, non-profit organizations, and healthcare providers actively engage in executing these activities. The observance is geared towards fostering awareness and encouraging changes at an individual level. Annually, World Cancer Day is observed on February 4, but several auxiliary initiatives and awareness campaigns in South Africa often commence in the preceding weeks.

Facts about World Cancer Day

  • The theme for World Cancer Day in 2023-2024 was Close the care gap. Everyone deserves access to cancer care.
  • World Cancer Day was created on February 4, 2000 at the World Summit Against Cancer for the New Millennium in Paris. The Paris Charter aimed to promote research, prevent cancer, improve patient services, raise awareness, and mobilize the global community to make progress against cancer.
  • According to the World Health Organization, at least one-third of all cancer cases are preventable. Lifestyle changes such as not smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, keeping active, and eating right can prevent certain types of cancer.
  • South Africa has one of the highest rates of tobacco use in Africa, which contributes to the prevalence of lung cancer in the country. It is the third most common cancer among men and the sixth most common among women.
  • South Africa experiences a unique cancer burden due to its diverse population and the prevalence of infectious diseases that contribute to certain cancers (e.g., HIV and Kaposi’s sarcoma).

Top things to do in South Africa for World Cancer Day

  • Understand the risks of smoking and urge those that you know to quit smoking. Smoking accounts for 25% of all cancer deaths globally each year.
  • Join the fundraising activities to support cancer victims, their families, and the continued research efforts to find a cure. Many communities offer Walks for the Cure and other types of fundraising events that can support cancer survivors or those who receive treatment.
  • Learn to recognize some of the general signs and symptoms of cancer. Although they differ by the type of cancer, some of the American Cancer Society's general signs and symptoms are:
    1) the presence of an obvious mass (a bump)
    2) unexplained weight loss
    3) loss of appetite
    4) frequent fevers
  • Read a book to learn more about Cancer:
    Cancer: A Love Story - by Lauren Segal
    Cancer in South Africa: Epidemiology and Control - A status report - by K Wilcox and J Moodley
  • Attend a Charity Run and Walk: South Africa has a strong running culture, and numerous charity runs or walks are organized on or around World Cancer Day to raise money for cancer research, hospitals, and patient support. One example is the CANSA Relay For Life, organized by the Cancer Association of South Africa.

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