Third Sunday of Advent

Third Sunday of Advent Quick Facts in Norway

AKA NameGaudete Sunday, Tredje søndag i advent
HashtagsCompiled on#GaudeteSunday
Related Hashtags#Advent, #Joy, #Christmas
2024 Date15 December 2024
2025 Date14 December 2025

Third Sunday of Advent

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Third Sunday of Advent History

The Third Sunday of Advent, also known as Gaudete Sunday, marks a shift in the liturgical season of Advent observed by the Christian Church. The word 'Gaudete' stems from Latin, translating to 'rejoice' in English. This observance signifies joy and anticipation in the lead-up to Christmas, including the acknowledgment of the coming of Christ. Past the halfway point of Advent, this Sunday is distinguished by a rose-coloured candle, which offers a departure from the traditional purple Advent candles symbolic of hope, love, and peace.

While the Advent season embraces ancient practices, the Third Sunday of Advent has acquired unique cultural significance in Norway, connecting it to local customs and traditions. In the northernmost regions of Norway, this day holds particular importance. Historically, religious observances were blended with practices signalling the onset of longer daylight hours post the winter solstice, merging spirituality with nature-based traditions. Today, Norwegians anticipate the Third Sunday of Advent as a focal point in progressing towards the festive Yuletide season.

In Norway, this day is observed with the lighting of the third Advent candle, often accompanied by family gatherings, prayer, and singing of Advent hymns. For some, it includes communal celebration, enhancing community spirit and togetherness. The readings on the Third Sunday of Advent focus on joy and preparation, resonating with anticipation and renewal. Unique to Norway, this Sunday can fall anytime during Advent, starting from the fourth Sunday before Christmas through December 25th, typically aligning with long-standing solstice customs.

Third Sunday of Advent facts & quotes

  • The Third Sunday of Advent is also known as Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete means rejoice in Latin. The origin of Gaudete Sunday comes from the bible verse Philippians 4:4: Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice. Indeed the Lord is near.
  • A theme surrounding the Third Sunday of Advent is joy. Theologian and priest Henri Nouwen described joy as, the experience of knowing that you are unconditionally loved and that nothing-sickness failure, emotional distress, war, or even death- can take that love away.
  • The rose-colored candle is lit on the third Sunday as a break from the penitential purple of the other three candles. This lighter, brighter color reminds us of the joy that is coming with Christmas.

Top things to do in Norway for Third Sunday of Advent

  • Pray and rejoice with joyfulness. The Third Sunday represents joy, an emotion that can be experienced through God's love.

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