World Oceans Day

World Oceans Day Quick Facts - MX

AKA NameDía Mundial De Los Océanos
Hashtags#WorldOceansDay, #WorldOceansDay2020
Related Hashtags#Ocean, #Oceans
2023 Date8 June 2023
2024 Date8 June 2024
World Oceans Day

World Oceans Day History

World Oceans Day serves as a celebration of our oceans, which generate most of the oxygen that we breathe, feeds us, and regulates the planet's climate. The day also serves to promote the oceans' contribution, life, and the need to protect it from, harmful pollution overexploitation, destructive fishing, and climate change. Unfortunately, because of human pollution and exploitation, the world's oceans are becoming increasingly delicate.

In 1992, the Government of Canada proposed World Oceans Day at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. By 2002, the Ocean Project, a non-profit organization dedicated to conservation of the planet's oceans, began to promote and coordinate the event on a global scale. Finally, in December of 2008, the United Nations General Assembly officially proclaimed June 8th as World Oceans Day.

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World Oceans Day Facts & Quotes

  • The Earth is covered by water on 71% of its surface, 96.5% of that water is in the oceans.
  • According to Oceana, as of 2021, more than 80% of the ocean remains unexplored.
  • It is estimated that 50-80% of all life forms on Earth is found under the oceans' surfaces. Oceans consist of 99% of all living space on the planet.
  • If all of the Earth's ice melted, the oceans would rise 66m and flood all low-lying ground.
  • The lowest point on the planet is located in Mariana's Trench in the western Pacific. The point, known as Challenger Deep, is 11,034m deep. (Mt. Everest is only 8,848m tall).
  • We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea, whether it is to said or to watch - we are going back to whence we came. - John F. Kennedy

World Oceans Day Top Events and Things to Do

  • If you live near an ocean, spend time swimming in the water, sailing, surfing or just walking along the beach. If you don't live near an ocean, plan a trip to enjoy ocean.
  • Join the Wear Blue, Tell Two campaign. Wear blue clothes and share two ocean facts with friends.
  • Get your scuba diving license. Every city offers scuba lessons to prepare you see the underwater world. PADI and SDI are two well-known and reputable companies that offer certification courses. You cannot scuba dive without certification.
  • Watch one of many documentaries about oceans. Some of our favorites: The Death of the Oceans, Garbage Island, Plastic Seas, Deep Sea and Acid Test: The Global Challenge of Ocean Acidification
  • Host a waterside cleanup or adopt a local waterside and do your part to help the oceans and its wildlife. World Oceans Day website offers a tool kit to help set up these activities.

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