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September 21, 2025 calendar

is ...

  • 264th day of the year. There are then 101 days left in 2025.
  • 38th Sunday of 2025.
  • on the 39th week of 2025 (using US standard week number calculation).
  • 94th day of Summer. There is one day left till Fall.
  • Birthstone for this day: Sapphire

September 21, Zodiac Sign


September 21, 2025 United States Holidays & Popular Observances

September 21, 2025 Popular Holidays & Observances Worldwide

  • International Day of Peace - Popular in:
  • Saint Matthew - Popular in: United States, New Zealand, Canada, Australia
  • World Alzheimer's Day - Popular in: United Kingdom, Chile, Spain, Mexico, Peru
  • Bettagsmontag - Switzerland
  • Feast Day of the Walloon Region (Feiertag der Wallonischen Region) - Belgium
  • Federal Fast (Eidgenössische Danktag, Busstag und Bettag) - Switzerland
  • Independence Day (Jum l-Indipendenza) - Malta
  • Dia da Árvore - Brazil
  • Día del Estudiante - Argentina

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